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how to establish web / ftp servers via v2900 ?
step 1 :  enable router to accept accessing from internet

check allow management from the internet.

system management >> management setup

step 2 :  make the router always on line ( for pppoe mode users)

setting idle timeout as -1 or just check on "always on" , it will force router to connect to internet when the line is drop.

quick setup >> internet access setup >> pppoe

step 3 :  get dynamic dns service ( for pppoe mode users)

the router supports the following ddns servers. you can register an account and hostnames from the servers. for example, you can register one from

advanced setup >> dynamic dns setup >> dynamic dns account setup

after getting an account and a hostname, please input the texts and do not forget to enable it.

advanced setup >> dynamic dns setup >> dynamic dns account setup

you need also to check enable dynamic dns setup

advanced setup >> dynamic dns setup

for this example, you can ping the domain name to make sure it works.

you also need to check if the ip address of your domain name is the same as the router's ip address.

system management >> online status

step 4 :  installing web/ftp server

there are many free web servers and ftp servers. for example, an httpd is a simple free web server for win95/98/nt/2000. and apache web server is a quite famous free web server for unix system. typsoft ftp server is a free ftp win95/98/nt/2000. you can find them in server for internet. get the servers and install them in the indicated pc.

step 5 : redirect accessing port from router to the indicated pc

following is the well known ports list. it is a quite important information to do port redirection.

advanced setup >> nat setup >> view well-known ports list

it is better to use fixed ip for indicated pc. the default gateway is and the dynamic ip assigned is from so you can choose the ip between and as the fixed ip address of the indicated pc.

basic setup >> ethernet tcp/ip and dhcp setup

according the ports list, you can redirect the service port to the indicated pc's port.

advanced setup >> nat setup >> configure port redirection table

now you can provide your web/ftp server in internet for others. the illustration is as below.



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